Today Statement:

Today EHT members in all types of elementary schools in Sweden.

Are overwhelmed by urgent problems/incidents and can’t get to the root causes

when they need to decide how to use existing resources to solve problems that come up

They need a way to “Lyfta blicken” from the single incidents and drive longer and bigger impact.

How Might We:

How might we make bullying prevention simpler and clearer for EHT members so that they can take actions that lead a safer learning environment (“tryggare lärande miljö”) in their specific context.

They need a way to “Lyfta blicken” from the single incidents and drive longer and bigger impact.

Closed World – Internal Components:

  • Knowledge: experience, research
  • Content: type of content/analysis
  • Advertising: public media, social-media, campaigns, newsletters, webpage
  • Brand: recognition, trust, expert
  • UI/UX: design, användarvänlighet/usability, experience on different devices
  • Software: apps, updates, documentation, APIs, integrations, data, storage
  • User access: account owners for Friends administrators and other users
  • Price and payment: cost, billing, plans/subscription
  • Distribution: licensing, contracts
  • Operations: customer service and support, employees
  • Information management: data safety

Closed World – External Components:

  • Digital infrastructure: devices and equipment used, student access to devices, internet connectivity, operating systems
  • Physical/location factors: school location, floor plan
  • School population: number of students, grades, language knowledge, reading ability
  • EHT characteristics: members, type of organization
  • Characteristics of users: tech-savviness, attitude to our issue
  • School processes: annual planning, systems in use, organization of safety work
  • Regulatory environment: regulatory authorities, changes in the school act, data regulation
  • Competitors/other services/actors: schools’ home-made solutions, central elevhälsa, mapping and evaluation from the central administration, municipality, or authorizing body, the region, the School Inspectorate, the Swedish National Agency for Education, the Public Health Agency, county administrative boards or research institutions.
  • Competitors/similar solutions: Other anti-bullying programs, KiVa, other school development issues or projects, school wide programs such as PAX or IBIS, including mapping and follow-up, other issues and priorities for the school / EHT
  • Economic factors: cost of data storage, cost of necessary programs, schools’ purchasing power/budgets, cut downs in school budgets.
  • School organization: school leaders, teachers, or key individuals who resign or become burnt out, reorganization of the school.
  • Politics/policy: national and local priorities, requirements etc
  • Technology advancements: other actors/the schools themselves can soon do what we do, generative AI-development
  • Public opinion: prioritized issue, attitude towards issue, other competing issues or problems in children’s (school) life.
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